GDPR, the replacement for DPA.
In May 2018, all businesses need to be GDPR compliant, whatever the size of that business. It replaces the Data Protection Act that we have all worked to up to now.
In the press and across the Internet there is am awful lot of confusion, spreading FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt), It is not, for those old enough to have been there, another Y2K type problem. You do, however, need to understand how it affects you, and what you need to do to ensure that you are compliant.
First of all, you need to understand what this regulation is about.
And then run through an audit of your business to identify any areas where you need to pay some attention.
You can do it yourself easily enough; but will that give you the peace of mind, and answer all of those gnawing questions that leave a feeling of uncertainty in your mind?
We can help with all of this by looking at your business from a fresh angle, asking the questions, satisfying the queries, bringing peace of mind. This can start with an hour or so going over the requirements, and if you wish carrying out an audit of your current data handling.
For your first look at what might be needed go to to find out more.
Whether we’ve covered your problem above or not get in contact and let us see if we can help.